OSBO's: A Documentary Series // Interview 003 Alex & Paul

OSBO's: A Documentary Series // Interview 003 Alex & Paul

by Absurdjunk




188 / $2.99

Absurdjunk is proud to release the third episode of this documentary series with the support of the National OSBO Coalition. Join us for this intimate series of interviews conducted within a community whose founding principle is the unyielding belief that they have a friend who is “Only Seen By One.” Absurdjunk WILL NOT tolerate any hateful language towards members of the OSBO community. Any comments using the words, “imaginary friends,” "make-believe" or “invisible" will be removed. Alex told Paul's own stories of discrimination and unfortunately, 3 of 4 OSBO's will face discrimination on a daily basis. It is time to recognize the rights of our fellow OSBO brothers and sisters. This is the work of the National OSBO Coalition.

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